Several significant modifications are planned for Apex Legends, the fast-paced battle royale game from Respawn Entertainment. Before the release of the 16th season, the developer announced a revamped introduction for new players, a comprehensive overhaul of the character class system featuring new benefits, the addition of team deathmatches, a...

Dying Light 2 is a must-play for fans of action role-playing and survival horror games, where players must balance both the breathtaking and the frustrating elements of the game. The latest installment in the series boasts stunning graphics and a huge, immersive world that will leave players hooked for hours on end, but also features a few gameplay...

Apex Legends, the popular battle royale game from Respawn Entertainment, had fans excited when it was announced that a mobile version of the game would be coming soon. Unfortunately, in a recent development, Respawn has decided to cancel Apex Legends Mobile and will not be refunding players for any money spent on the game. This decision has left...

Apex Legends Season 12 is the first season of 2022, releasing in February with the new legend Maggie, an Olympus map update, and the new control mode. Here is what the new update will contain.

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