DICE response to Battlefield 2042 launching issues


Dice promised to launch 2 updates for Battlefield 2042, yesterday the first update was launched. 

Battlefield 2042's makers, facing an array of performance issues, absent features, and abysmal user review scores on Steam. They have launched, yesterday, the first update while the second one should arrive in December.

Battlefield 2042 Update #2

The update launched yesterday was promised to bring a set of balance changes for vehicles and weapons, and fixes for critical bugs DICE found during the Early access week of November 12.

For vehicles such as the LCAA Hovercraft, MD540 Nightbird, KA-520 Super Hokum and AH-64GX Apache Warchief Dice made adjustments that bring them more in line with the other vehicles. Regarding the weapons, we can expect increased recoil for the PP-29, and a more consistent bullet spread for most guns.

Battlefield 2042's makers also fixed several critical bugs that they have noticed were preventing a consistent game experience. Those fixes include situations where you could not be revived or respawn as intended.

DICE also informed that after this there will be an update #3 which is tentatively set for deeply next week. It will be the biggest update of Battlefield 2042 so far and provides a larger and more substantial set of changes, including performance enhancements, balance changes, and further QoL improvements. 

Regarding the issues in the performance, DICE said the following: "We want to acknowledge that many of you are finding that performance of the game is presently CPU bound, and not enough of you who are fortunate enough to enjoy high-end GPUs and CPUs are seeing the benefit of consistent, high rates."

The studio said in the short term, it will be working on performance improvements that reduce the load on players' hardware, but "identifying engine-level optimizations and developing solutions will require a lengthier response time from us so that it gets done right." 

You can find more news about performance in the next video:

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