Omen Guide (Valorant)
Lately, I have been playing a lot of Omen. I feel like Omen is a balanced Agent that can be used to play aggressive, outplaying the enemy team with teleports and smokes but also you can play Omen as a defensive Agent providing smokes to hold sites and using Paranoia (a somewhat flash) for your teammates to enter a site or to gain some part of the map. Omen ultimate can be used in both ways as well, you can use it to make a fast rotation and catch enemies off guard or you can simply use it to get some information on where the enemies are.
So after this introduction to Omen as a balanced agent, you must be thinking that Omen is probably the easiest agent to play and master. Well, not quite... Omen is relatively easy to pick up and play but to master it's totally a different story. If you are using the teleport wrongly and just popping out in front of the enemy team you are going to be easily killed... and that's no fun!
With this said let's talk about Omens abilities:

Omen's first ability is Shadow Walk you may know it as well by Teleport (Omen has two abilities that are considered teleport, one is Shadow Walk and the other one is the Ultimate) of short distance.
This ability can be cast 2 times per round, and you will need to buy it at the beginning of each round. Casting this ability will take 2 seconds, so make sure you are safe while doing it since you are vulnerable and without a gun as you can see in the image.
This ability is a lot of fun to use and gives you the ability to outplay your enemies. You can pick them from one side and then Shadow Walk to the other side and surprise them.
The second ability that we are going to talk about is called Paranoia. This ability is known as well as Omen's flash.
This ability will blind the enemies that got hit by it, it has a long range so make sure you use this ability to cover as much map as you can. Also, note that this ability is not effective when you are super close to the enemy. This ability shortens the distance that the enemy can see but at close range they will be able to see you.
This ability can be used with Shadow Walk, giving you a chance to blind the enemy and teleport behind and make a huge play or you can use it as support for one of your teammates to enter the site or a zone in the map.

Next ability we have Dark Cover or Omen's smokes. You will have 1 smoke every round for free and you will need to buy the second one. These smokes regenerate over time, so if you cast both you will have to wait 40 seconds to have 1 more.
Omen is the best smoker in the game, for now, he can put smokes in any part of the map while being distant and away from danger.
These smokes are empty on the inside, which means someone can hide on them. Making this a tricky ability to use since you do not want to give an advantage to the enemy team.
Also with these smokes, you can make some nice one-way smokes, where you can see the enemy first but he cannot see you. Use them!
Omen's ultimate ability is called From the Shadows, this ultimate allows Omen to teleport anywhere on the map. Making this ability one of the best when it comes to rotations.
Even tho it is a good ability, you will need to pay attention when using it. Omens ultimate makes a lot of noise, so the enemies will be waiting and looking behind their backs for you.
When you are teleporting somewhere you will be able to see what's on the other side clearly before the full teleportation is complete. So if you spot an enemy looking at you, you can cancel your ultimate by pressing the same key you used to start it.
Try to use smokes and then teleport inside of them, this will give you a lot of outplay potential.

Ok, so now that you know a lot about this Agent, you wanna go inside the game and try it out.... kill some bad guys, outplay them. Use smokes to your advantage and makes the best games of your life... Just wait for a second, do you know how to use good smokes and where to use them on the map? No? Do not worry I have a video that will explain smokes on one map called Icebox and you can take it as a starting point.
After watching this video and after learning some smokes go to Valorant and outplay your enemies!