Review: SWORD ART ONLINE Alicization Lycoris


About the game:

Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris is based on the anime SAO, being this the last version of the launch of the game. This game was launched on 9 of July 2020.


You can found this game on Steam for 49,99€

My thoughts:

-Combat is similar to SAO: HR. Skill combos are visually nice.
-Skill Tree shows weapon skill damage and multipliers. Upgradable weapon/buff skills.
-Story follows closely to season 1 of the Alicization arc.
-Music is solid.
-Sacred Arts are nice and easy to use. Once unlocked you are able to use 8 different elements freely. Each providing different tools for in/out of combat situations.
-Multiplayer is unlocked early into Chapter 2-1, allowing you to play with friends as if in single player. 
-Two types of combat systems, open-world/duel. I am personally not a fan of the duel combat, it's bland/slow-paced and feels forced. The open-world is exciting and flows much better.
-My biggest issue is the camera. Crazy spins when interacting with NPC's. Good luck finding yourself in combat if you tab-target or switch characters. Takes a hot second for it to re-focus on you, so you end up running off-screen. (This needs a fix ASAP)
-Load times with V-sync off are still fairly long (with V-sync on I have more time looking at the loading screen than actually playing the game).
-FPS issues.
-Quest Tracking- Not really enjoying this feature for the most part. Only "useful" for the main story quest or returning back to your quest giver. I believe this was a good idea but poorly implemented with the mechanic of having to do the quest to unlock parts of the map. That shouldn't be a requirement to use outside map tracks IMO.
-Limited to the number of abilities you're able to use from the skill tree. SAO: HR had to ability to use any skill from that weapon class while in Alicization you are limited to 5. (4 from skill menu, 1 from combo).
-Required to have skill menu open to using abilities. 
-No side dashes except skills. 
-Female running I have no idea who thought it'd be a good idea to have them run like that...
-While tab-targeted Kirito turns away randomly during a basic combo.
-Swimming stamina (I don't know why this is in the game...)
-The game needs more auto-save points.
-Sacred Art Create Metal has bad placement/collision. (Some chests are impossible to reach).
-Party member abilities go off your skill tree. Someone with a different weapon type may only have one sword skill until you spend skill points into that particular skill tree. 

Minimum specs to run this game:

  • CPU: Intel Core i7-3770 | AMD FX-8350
  • CPU SPEED: Info
  • RAM: 8 GB
  • OS: Windows 10 64 bit
  • VIDEO CARD: Nvidia GeForce GTX 780, 3 GB | Radeon R9 290, 4 GB
Developed by Pandase
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